Marketing Mistake #2
Promising The Same Old Stuff
I've just completed reviewing yet another pile of personal brochures, brimming with cliché words that have been overused and rendered
Phrases such as...
Let's Play Bingo! How Many of These Words Can You Spot in Your Copywriting?
Do these words look TOO familiar? Let's chat now.
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30-minute call with Chief Ideas Specialist, Andrea Anderson.
Avoid this common pitfall!
I'm confident that you offer all these services to your customers. Nevertheless, the straightforward reality is that these terms have become so worn out that most clients overlook them because they come across as clichéd.
“So, what’s new?”
You need to have some NEW news if you want people to really
pay attention!
A little bit later, we’ll be talking about something called the Unique Selling Proposition (USP).
For now, let’s just agree that one of the biggest mistakes you can make- is promising the
same old stuff.
Promising the highest level of integrity, trust and service.
Promising that “we care”.
Promising “results”; and so forth.
You must start thinking about offering things that people really do want and
get them to respond to you – in greater numbers than you ever could have imagined before.
If everyone in your industry promises all these boring slogans...
Why would your promises appear any different?
The true secret lies not only in offering exceptional services, ideas, and support but also in mastering effective communication. This
entails the ability to convey the value of your outstanding services or products in a manner that resonates with real people and prompts
their response.
“If a tree falls in the forest, and no one is there to hear it…does it make a sound?”
I am sure you have heard that before. It’s true. Dan Kennedy says that even the best marketing message is useless if it falls on deaf ears.
Remember to effectively communicate with people who are interested, and be relatable.
Just talking to your prospective clients in an interesting way will set you apart. Just that. Then, if you combine this interesting
copy with offers they really want…
And you have got yourself a
Marketing Machine in the making!
If you need help in finding your Real Mission, reach out to us at
call 0401304662, or book
a 30-minute no-obligation call
with one of our team members.