Marketing Secret #1
Doing What You’ve Always Done Only Gets You What You’ve Always Got!
Marketing authority Tony Robbins says that the definition of insanity is to do the same things you’ve always done and expect to get different results.
Quite profound, wouldn’t you say? So, let’s think about this some more.
Are you wondering how to get different results in your business, while continuing to do what you’ve always done?
If yes, then we need to talk!
For results to change, the steps leading to them must change. Which me - you must change what YOU do.
My experience working with thousands of professionals and specialists has shown this is a BIG problem. How can people reach new levels of
success and self-esteem without changing their behaviour?
We know, people don't like change, and convincing people to change how they think about their business is the greatest challenge I face.
Because we’ve all been taught to think that being “good” is good enough and that “image” and “personal
promotion” will catapult us to
levels of income most people only dream about.
Sadly, this is a huge mistake.
Unfortunately (or fortunately,) I've been there. I can assure you that as soon as you change your thinking, you’ll
not only change your
income, you’ll change your life!
The kind of thinking that needs to change is plenty... however this may not be you (although I will suggest it is). If you have ever said this...
- As soon as I get my name out there...
- As soon as I establish my reputation...
- Once I have enough money I will...
I'm not saying name recognition and a positive reputation won't help, because it will. And having the money to build your reputation will certainly speed things up.
Start marketing your brand in a way that aligns with you and how you impact positive change. Answer this question,
"How does my solution impact positive change for my clients?"
Getting your audience to respond in any way, is the aim of the game.
When you accept that your mind has to become a marketer’s mind, you’ll begin the process of a new way to do business. And, when you realise that top-producing sales people don’t do what everyone else does … and that behaving differently is the reason they’re top-producing, you’ll make a big breakthrough!
It’s true! How you see the world determines how the world sees you.
And I know, if you’re paying attention to “image” and “professionalism”, you’re letting meaningless noise drown out what’s really important!
Which is …? Getting interested people to respond to you!
Think carefully.
Open yourself to new realities.
When you do, you can experience all kinds of new successes!
If you need to discuss your business marketing, book a 30-minute
no-obligation call with one of our team members.
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