Marketing Secret #30
Building Relationships - Empathy and Respect
Raise your hands if you're generally sceptical of any salesperson, business owner or professional who states they are a 'trusted advisor'?
The fact they even have to use the word trusted, makes them distrustful.
Unfortunately (or fortunately) we live in a society where many of our major corporations, government politicians, sports stars and
Influencers have shown their true colours in being distrustful. So how do we build relationships that are built on empathy and
respect? Especially in an environment where corruption is literally at every corner we turn into?
What does empathy actually mean? Well, the Oxford Dictionary states, "the ability to understand and share the feelings of
Cool right! Imagine if you dealt with other businesses who could understand your frustration and truly want to find a solution
that best fits your situation.
Ok, so what does respect mean? Once again let's refer to the Oxford Dictionary which states, "a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities or achievements".
As sung by the incredible, Aretha Franklin in the movie, The Blues Brothers, "All I'm askin is for a little respect".
I believe your prospects still want a solution that is important to them. They want someone who truly cares about them, who has empathy for them, compassion and who wants to make their life better (just like Ms Aretha, herself).
So, how does we support our prospects, leads, clients, connections to bridge this gap?
1. Build Relationship First
Have you ever gone to a bar to relax only to have some weirdo try to pick you up and take you home? All you want to do is smack them in the face and walk away.
Well, that is how your prospects feel when you attempt to sell them in the first connection.
The pitch I love to hate is: "So tell me what the pain points are in your business, so I can help you"
To your prospect this is what they hear: "I know you're in pain right now, even if you don't think you are, so take my product/service irrespective or you will always be in pain and never amount to anything".
Wow, Assumption is the Mother of all F%$kups!!! You immediately make the assumption that I am in pain AND that I am going to share this with you at the first meeting.
If you are going to generate leads, be prepared to build a slow and steady empathic connection with your prospect. Allow time for them to experience you and to show you are genuinely interested in them, before you ask for the sale! Remember,
Relationships are the new Currency.
2. Avoid Making Claims
A claim is some sort of statement that tells the listener that;
Your Whatever Is The Best Whatever, And That You Are The Best Person To Deliver The Best Whatever,
Because Your Company Is
Best At Making The Best Whatever, Because It Has More Experience And It Has A Bigger Office!
Or in other words: Blah, Blah, Blah.
Read my type: It doesn't matter how good you think you are, what matters is how GREAT everyone says you are!
Honestly, nobody cares. In fact it's the fastest way to put off your prospects. If you pound your chest and brag about yourself and your company, they get nauseous.
3. Get Testimonials and References
There is nothing better than third party recommendation and support, with current customers raving about how they achieved success/satisfaction from your product or service. In fact, the very best testimonials are the ones that say how they didn’t believe you at first, and were so pleasantly surprised after they used you. By agreeing with the prospects’ concern – and then blowing it away – the whole thing becomes much more believable and real!
4. There’s Comfort in Crowds
Imagine your clients attending a Thank You for Business event, and you invite prospects as well. What do you think your prospects will experience in a room full of happy campers? The “safety in numbers” syndrome will increase the respect level immediately. Your prospects will correctly assume that if all these others like you, then you must be legit.
5. Be Honest about Who You Are
You may not know what your prospect is going to like or dislike about you, however I can guarantee that being a Liar is definitely the fastest way to lose them. By being real, you make prospects feel that you are legitimate, and not full of typical hot air.
6. Give People a Guarantee
When a person is on the fence, a guarantee can do the trick. If you are willing to back up your product or service 100% and tell people they have nothing to lose, they will give you a go. I can’t tell you how many times I have heard people say to me, “I really wasn’t sure about you, but now I am very happy I made the decision to go with you!” Guarantees may sound hokey, but they work like crazy!
Final note...
I hope this little discussion will improve your prospecting by being more empathetic and respectful. And there is nothing more powerful than demonstrating genuine empathy. People are always attracted to others who empathise with them and their lives.
Why not make things easy and show empathy?
See if you can think of other ways to build empathy, and then see if you can keep track of all your new sales (and profits)!
If you need to discuss your business marketing, book a 30-minute
no-obligation call with one of our team members.
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