Marketing Secret #92
Overcoming Procrastination and Moving Forward!
One of the biggest problems I see from people I talk to every day is that they want to make more money, but they struggle to get started!
Why is this? Why do you think people have such a hard time getting the ball rolling?
Well, I have my own reasons why I think people don’t get going, and I’ll hopefully be able to give you some ideas to help you move ahead.
Firstly, I want to discuss what I believe, is the number one reason people don’t make changes in their life.
Because, let’s face it, most of us are not very happy with the way our lives go. I know from my own experiences just how miserable life can
be or feel at times, to feel like you have no real hope, no prospects and, no way out.
I also know that all those feelings are nothing more than that. Feelings.
All those doubts and fears are self-created, self-imposed, and self-induced.
And since they are brought into our lives by ourselves, they can just as easily be removed.
Disposed of forever.
So, let’s talk about what causes these feelings that prevent you from getting what you want, and from going where you want to go!
There is a huge difference between wanting things to get better, from wishing things would change…and really expecting things to get better and change! Anyone can voice a wish or desire for something. Anyone can say they want things to be better or different.
However, merely expressing the words won’t do it. There has to be a fundamental change in the way you are thinking so you can get somewhere new.
Everyone has two forms of psychological baggage ingrained in our minds. One kind comes from the years of brainwashing that we receive from our parents and from society in general. The other is from our own thoughts, unaided by outside influence.
The negativity we attract is just as much from our own personal view of the world. Many of us allow our thinking to flow into the
easiest type of thinking - negativity, because if we see ourselves as being less successful than we want, we can validate our thoughts
by never taking any actions that could possibly lead us to a different, more positive conclusion.
The age-old self-fulfilling prophecy is alive and well!
If our minds tell us that we cannot be happier and more successful, our actions that follow those thoughts will assure that we cannot
achieve our desired new way of life. So, it’s easy to continue being the way we’ve always been, because we rationalise that’s all we
What if I could give you one simple technique to make this negative thinking, go away forever? Would you be prepared to give it a go?
It’s a technique I learned on my own, and only after years of being miserable and unfulfilled.
A technique that sounds so simple, and really is simple, if you let yourself be open to its beauty and wonder. It’s a technique that forces you to stop living in another place and time.
To live in the present. Let me explain. It’s been my experience that most people are waiting for some event or some thing to happen, when they’ll finally be happy. You know, like “When I get rich, then I’ll be happy!” Or, “When I get a new job, I’ll be happy!” Or, “Things used to be so good when my spouse was here.” Or, “When we had that business, that’s when things were great!”
Always living in the future or past. Not being right here, right now!
Because you are right here, right now! You have to become aware of the present. You have to start living in today’s world. Not some
far off, distant future!
This means you have to relish the current moment, your current feelings, good or bad, and be aware of the feeling at this very moment, is a message you have to pay attention to.
To avoid, is the root of the inability to change, to get something new going. Why? Well, if you are focusing on some other time when you will be, or you were happy, how can you also focus on what you have to do now to make things happen?
Our minds cannot focus the energy we have into two totally separate places. Either you’re living in the future, the past, or the present!
But you cannot be living in more than one! Your mind isn’t built that way. It can only deal with what is being asked to handle.
So, if you’re waiting for a day when things will get better, I’ve got news for you, that day won’t come! Unless you start living now, you won’t have the awareness of what changes you must make for a better future. Once you achieve a state of awareness of being in the present, you will notice a changes in you, emerge. You’ll start seeing things for what they really are and beauty all around, even if you’re broke, currently stuck in a job or a role you despise.
You’ll see your good points, your strengths, your experience, your knowledge and your ability to be happy. You’ll also see your faults and drawbacks and mistakes you’ve made. Either way, by being aware of the present, and who you are…you can make meaningful changes!
See, it isn’t that hard to get going, to say, “Okay. I’ve seen what I’m doing now has gotten me. It’s time to take action, to make changes!”
Especially when you are truly aware of yourself, and no longer wish for change but now expect a change!
Once you switch from blind hope, to specific expectations, you’ll see the path to your new life.
You’ll stop procrastinating.
You’ll stop making excuses.
Instead, you’ll start doing the things that you need to do!
You’ll get the courage to talk to some people you might not otherwise have felt strong enough to. You’ll have the conviction to seek out people who can provide you with a product idea. You’ll feel confident enough to write a small ad, and actually place it!
And that’s what I want everyone to understand.
It is simple to integrate.
Making money isn’t hard.
Selling products and services is as simple as anything could be.
We’ve done the hard part.
We’ve tested and proven EXACTLY how to make thousands of extra dollars a day.
Now, you can do the simple part…
Get out there and do it!
If you need help finding your Real Mission, book a 30-minute no-obligation call with one of our team members.
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