Marketing Secret #99
The 10 Elements of Top Producing Businesses!
This particular secret isn’t necessarily an individual secret.
It’s more of a compilation of a bunch of secrets.
The secrets of the real top producing businesses.
Now, over the years, I’ve worked with thousands of business owners and professionals.
And I’ve seen things that have left me to believe that there are characteristics that the top businesses share that the bottom businesses
You've learned dozens of ways to attract your clients, however, the things the top 1% of the businesses do fall into very similar patterns.
For me, they prove that even with all the knowledge and technical skills that we help people attain, that without these other characteristics, they won’t get to the success they truly deserve or feel they deserve.
Let's walk through these characteristics, why they’re important and how you can start building a road map for yourself to model and implement these characteristics.
I would like to point out that all of these characteristics are learned behaviours. They are not innate.

1. Change your marketing method.
The top businesses have learned to ignore all the sales training, closing pressure, cold calling, and traditional marketing/prospecting
See, the people who are really making the money have learned that all that stuff leads to nothing but rejection, embarrassment,
frustration, anxiety, wasted money, and time, having to beg clients for referrals or recommendations.
It will always shows little results for all that effort.
2. Don't go to them, make them come to you!
People always go to them - like they are being pulled towards them. They don’t make cold calls, aren't pushy or harass people.
Rather, they talk about topics that interest the person - hobbies, travel, sport, family, business.
3. It's not about you, it's about them.
The top businesses don’t mention stress or push the fact that they’re with a big company or that they’re the biggest and the best, and they’ve been in business for a million years. They all realise that none of that means anything to a prospect.
Dan Kennedy says, when people make statements like that, you have to ask yourself “so what?”.
So what if that company is big, has all of these experts and so forth.
What does that mean to a prospect? Absolutely nothing. Now, the top businesses realise this and talk about what their clients want and whay they feel close to. They talk about them. Not about themselves.
4. Establish trust.
The top businesses have all repositioned themselves either consciously or subconsciously to be consultants, not salespeople.
Bigger businesses know that people want them to be their advisor, their friend and their confidant - they don't just serve or show
products. Rather, they become a true family consultant and advisor and take it very seriously. They know that people want to do
business with people who are a trusted advisor and not just a salesperson.
5. Use technology to your advantage!
There are amazing high-tech, state of the art, modern techniques for marketing, right at your fingertips. When done right, technology can
be time and energy efficient, while providing all the data necessary to support decision making. The question here for you, is
"how tech-savvy are you and your business?"
6. Compel others to refer you.
Unsolicited referrals is a massive game-changer to your business. They receive referrals and recommendations from their own clients, partnerships, relationships and connections.
See, the big businesses don’t ask for the referrals, they get the referrals. And the reason they get referrals or recommendation is because they are perceived as being different and special that they are compelled to refer people to you.
You will be the consultant who has something to offer other than the ability to service and/or sell products. The one who goes far beyond the extra mile, far beyond advising someone to do business with, and beyond getting your picture in the paper.
7. Use of innovative marketing techniques.
Any marketing used by top businesses are designed to get responses. They know that if they send out marketing pieces to a specific client segment that their direct response pieces give somebody a reason to call back.
Somebody to ask for a report. A quiz.
They offer events and functions in their newsletter such as recognition dinners or special promotion days.
Yes, the top businesses all use innovative and clever marketing. These are just many of the techniques that you’ve learned in the system and take advantage of through their direct mail and their continuous repetitive follow-ups.
8. Delegate! Delegate! Delegate!
Top businesses all delegate.
They realise that they can’t be making money if they’re talking to the website person, SEO, Google Guy. They understand the
importance of having a team who can produce the work efficiently, gives them the time to talk to prospects and convert.
How else do you get paid?
You don’t make a cent unless you’re talking to people who can buy your product or service. All the other stuff must be delegated out.
And it must be delegated out as soon as possible even before you think you’re possibly ready. Anytime that you do work that’s menial you’re costing yourself $100 to $300 per hour that should be invested in attracting clients.
I can’t stress this point enough!
I know one business associate who has a personal assistant who does nothing but take care of all her personal things, such as sorting out her bills, getting her groceries, dropping the dog off at the vet, picking up the kids after school and so forth. This person realises that all those things don’t produce a cent in revenue and it’s worth it for her to have this personal assistant do all that work.
A lot of people say “Well, I can’t afford to hire somebody right now.”
I don’t buy that!
You CAN'T NOT afford not to hire somebody to help you with doing the work that doesn’t make you any money.
9. An organised structure.
All top people have a system to their business.
The definition of a system is “a regularly interacting or interdependent group of items forming a unified whole.”
A system is a procedure, and every top business has one.
They generate the prospects, they delegate their work, they FOLLOW UP continuously. If they are in sales, they set
appointments, they go to the appointments, they close deals, and get referrals.
The best book I’ve ever read of systematising your business is the E Myth by Michael Gerber.
10. Make money, not excuses.
Hopefully this isn't you. “Well, this doesn’t work for me, or this isn’t suited for my area, or the market’s bad, or it’s a weak economy, or interest rates up", or whatever. Any one of eight million excuses.
Listen, the top businesses know that you can’t pay bills with excuses, you can only pay bills with money. And the only way you can get money is by selling products and services!
They know that if they test things slowly and cheaply, they’ll find which things work the best. They don’t get upset when they run a test that doesn’t work because they know it’s one more thing that they won’t be doing again. They look at every test that doesn’t work as a positive experience. And 99% of the people who don’t make big money look at a negative test as a negative experience.
It’s all a matter of how you look at it.
You can work very smart, make a lot of money and enjoy what you’re doing.
Life is a constantly changing and the only thing we can be certain of is that we can’t be certain of anything.
As I said earlier, any one of these things can be implemented, studied, and learned.
All it takes is the willingness to make the switch and to quit making excuses and start making money. Then you yourself will be in the top
1% as well.
If you need to discuss your business marketing, book a 30-minute no-obligation call with one of our team members.
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