Your numbers drive success.

Analyse... inspect, inform, transform.

Market domination is only one click away.  Imagine having access to marketing intelligence usually designed for corporate sector or big businesses, at your fingertips.  

How would it change your business operation and profitability?
In marketing, data analytics helps you evaluate your competitors' performance, price points, marketing methods, social media and so much more.  Numbers are essential to determining the smartest ROI, market growth or new opportunities for your business.

With valuable data intelligence you're in control, have the ability to make sustainable business marketing decisions and stay ahead of your competitors.  

Book your free MARKET ANALYSIS SUCCESS consultation now.

Understanding how to WIN in your market place, begins today!

Business Analytics Creating Better Business Decisions

Be the Business Leader you deserve to be making informed decisions to ensure proper, proactive steps to remain at the top of your game!


How Prepared are YOU for Growth, Really?

At some point in your business, you desire growth, whether this is into new markets, expanding on your current market share or introducing new products and services.  
You track your competitors and know there is plenty there for the taking, your business ACTUALLY ready for growth?

This is where you need an external viewpoint.  The half day Business Marketing Discovery Workshop is designed to ask the difficult questions, uncover where the REAL opportunities are and determine how best to move forward. 
After the workshop, you will receive a 45 minute follow up and review with recommendations for your next step.  
Take the safe option to 'test' before you truly 'invest'.

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Is it a GOOD IDEA Really?

Whether you're an existing business looking at new ideas or a start up operation seeking investment for your latest concept, its always good to do the research. 

8 out of 10 businesses with investment will fail, owing hundreds of thousands of dollars.  Will you be one of them?

If you have a 'good idea' you're considering bringing to market, its important to have three key elements - 

  • Business Validation
  • Marketing Feasibility 
  • Bottom Line Profitability

Just because you think it may work, doesn't mean it will. 

If this is you, then I suggest to reach out and discuss if your idea is worthwhile pursuing and get the necessary research done to validate your future success. 

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Why are YOU here, Really?

We all start our business with a vision, purpose or because of our passion.  Over time our business (Tornado) consumes everything - time, money, resources to become challenging, frustrating and uncontrollable. 

We still have the dreams, passion and purpose, however it seems to have got lost. 
Imagine if you could get in control of your Tornado while re-igniting your passion.  With our 360 degree GAP Analyis we have the ability to identify where the REAL gaps are in your business, while understanding how to truly achieve your goals and ambitions. 

If this is you, then reach out so we can analyse and determine the best track forward.  

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How Market Savvy are YOU, Really?

Without marketing and sales working effortlessly in your business, you have no business. 
Marketing is a series of levers, working in alignment to achieve your business goals.  However if your business is mis-aligned, you end up promoting a business that doesn't make sense. 
With our Market Savvy Survey, we analyse the areas of weakness in your marketing to sales funnels, identify what is impacting your sales conversion and provide solutions and recommendations for you to fix and move forward. 
Why have an average business barely working when you can have a successful marketing and sales machine at the tip of your fingers. 

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"Data is what you need to do Analytics.  

Information is what you need to do Business". - John Owen

Big Business Tools for Small Business Growth.

Data analytics, industry insights and market research is usually a privilege for big businesses.  In today's environment, these tools are now available to every business big or small.  By understanding marketing data, you have the ability to gain accuracy, plan more success and make the best decisions for you and your business. 

email management

Analysis of your marketing message could effectively grow conversion by 38%.


Identify how to increase revenue and leverage your current database. 

social media 

Determine the efficacy and validity of your solution for maximum exposure.

new business growth

Pinpoint bottlenecks to determining the validity of your future decisions.

market analysis

Identify the best pathway to gain maximum market share with minimal competitiveness.       

google analytics

Collect, understand and manipulate the data to decide highest return.


View our projects relevant to Market Analytics

Strata Insurance Solution for National Growth

Business Maintenance - Market Share Growth.  Learn how demographic and economic factors impacted the decisions for this established business. find out more find out more

Residential energy saving and Solar Solutions

New brand development and positioning. Learn how market research was utilised to establish positioning while maintaining core business values.     
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Regional Growth Solution

Realistic marketing and growth strategy to appeal to a wider audience.  Learn how data analytics was used to attract a unique yet highly influential audience.  find out more find out more